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Is The Missing Ingredient For Normal Guys To Pile On Rock Hard Muscle, Blast Through Any Stubborn Body Part, Supercharge Anabolic Hormones And Develop Wolverine-Like Recovery, Stretching Just 10 Minutes Per Workout?
The Answer is Yes! Breakthrough Research Has Confirmed A 334% Increase In Muscle Growth Following this Brand New Anabolic Stretching Technique...
What if I told you a simple 10 minute per workout, Anabolic Stretch, could give you the results you crave like more muscle mass, less belly fat, warp speed recovery and more testosterone than an alpha gorilla.
What if I told you "conventional" stretching routines are secretly sabotaging your fitness levels, ruining your tendons and killing your testosterone production...
Would you believe me?
Would you think I'm crazy?
Well first, let me introduce myself…
Hi, I’m Peter Tzemis and “standard stretching” almost ended my career in the gym. This popular fitness “practice” not only killed my results in the gym, but destroyed my physique and shattered my confidence as a man.
My weekends were spent alone. I had few friends. Zero job prospects and single; not by choice. Girls acted like I wasn’t even there. Guys didn’t see me as a threat and left me alone.
Until one lucky day, I stumbled upon a weird Anabolic Stretching trick, so mind-blowingly simple and powerful, it was like drinking a pot of coffee brewed by Zeus himself. In fact, one study uncovered this same Anabolic Stretching trick could boost your muscle growth by 318%. (1)
It’s that potent.
If You’re A Man Who Wants To Double His Muscle, Who Wants More Testosterone And Who Wants A Body That Not Only Turns Heads, But Performs Like An Olympian In Only 10 Minutes Per Workout...Then Keep Reading
I would just hate for you to fall into the same feminizing-trap that millions of men fall into on a yearly basis…
Again, this anabolic-pumping trick is simple to use and takes 10 minutes per workout. And if you’re thinking this is some type of basic static stretching program, please think again.
Now, I know this might seem kind of out there and far fetched…but keep an open mind.
I’d just hate for you to be one of the 15 million men in this country who are leading lives of quiet desperation.
Slowly losing their masculinity inside and out.
But first, I feel the need to let you in on how this I almost lost it all. I know what you may be thinking…How the heck did stretching make you almost lose your arm and ruin your physique? Sounds crazy? Maybe…However, I would hate for you to make the same mistakes I did.
Here I Was, 22 Years Old With A Body That Performed Like My 98 Year Old Grandmother...
I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was playing flag football in a tournament. Adrenaline pumping and testosterone through the roof, it was a blast.
Then during the second game of the tournament I went to sprint and my left arm turned to lead. I tried lifting it and the pain increased 10x.
Freaking out, I ran - with on arm dangling to the side - off the field to the nearest trainer. He assessed it. Fortunately it was as a minor tear from overly tight muscles.
I Was Told To Stretch, Relax And Ice It. Nothing Too Major... And Then The Problems Started To Pile Up...
My overall strength was rapidly dropping. Last week’s PR’s became this weeks impossible lifts.
Every workout, I became weaker and weaker. That wasn't the only problem though. I was slowly getting fatter. My pants stopped fitting, my t-shirts ripped (not in the good way) and my buddy down below seemed to stay permanently limp.
Then the questions started flying through my head…
Do I have low testosterone?
Are my muscles eating itself?
Do I have some sort of disease?
As a 22 year old these were supposed to be the best years of my life. Instead, they were slowly becoming the worst.
I didn’t even look like a guy who worked out. I felt like I was walking through life in a dream state. Not really alive, but not dead either.
I Spent Months "Stretching" And Hundreds Of Dollars On"Recovering Techniques" To Get Back Into Shape. Instead I was Weaker, Fatter And More Depressed Then I Had Ever Been In My Life...
I was beaten down. Ashamed and frustrated.
Instead of getting shredded… my body looked like this guy.
Instead of becoming more fit with energy to spare, I became
weak and tired most of the day…
And for the cherry on top… my libido, the very essence of what makes us men, went down the rabbit hole.
Traditional stretching and a lack of it wasn't just hampering my recovery, but was also ruining my life
How could the very essence that makes me a man, essentially evaporate?
And That’s When I Realized The Problem… Had Standard Stretching And Recovery Techniques Been Slowly Destroying My Body?
It all started to make sense! Stretching, how I was told to by multiple doctors and physiotherapists was making me weaker and more unstable every workout. With less muscle mass, my testosterone was plummeting through the floor, making matters even worse. I also found this:
The main problem with conventional stretching programs is that they often work against your body's physiology rather than with it.
Furthermore, many professionals have prescribed stretching before exercise as a form of warm up. This is wrong.
A study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research concluded that if you stretch before you lift weights, you could find yourself weaker and "off balanced" in your workouts. Not something we want when hoisting hundreds of pounds of metal.
"Traditional" Stretching Was Killing My Physique And There Are 104 Different Studies Proving It!
Researchers at the University of Zagre began combing through hundreds of earlier experiments in which volunteers stretched and then jumped, dunked, sprinted, lifted or otherwise had their muscular strength and power tested.
The scientists wound up with 104 past studies that met their criteria.
According to their calculations, traditional stretching techniques reduce strength in the stretched muscles by almost 5.5%, with the impact increasing in people who hold individual stretches for 90 seconds or more.
Explosive muscular performance also dropped off significantly, by as much as 2.8%.
How Can You Supercharge Testosterone And Growth Hormone While Increasing Muscle Building By 334% Simply With Anabolic Stretching?
In the early 1990s, a study was done on birds that had nothing short of amazing results. In this study, Dr. Jose Antonio attached a weight to the wing of young quail, and over the course of a month, he progressively increased the weight.
After a month, the level of muscle hypertrophy (growth) was measured. The bird's wing where the weight was attached had grown by over 300 percent!
After studying the results more closely, Dr. Antonio discovered evidence of hyperplasia. A controversial topic in the strength and conditioning field, hyperplasia is the growth of muscles not through the increase in size of the fibers (hypertrophy) but through the increase in number.
A Recent Study Done In Tampa Bay With 24 Men Concluded That Anabolic Stretching Can Double Muscle And Supercharge Strength While Simultaneously Promoting Recovery And Bulletproofing The Body...
Dr. Jacob Wilson and his team recently put the theory to the test in the lab, investigating the effects of anabolic stretching on skeletal muscle size and strength in human subjects.
Twenty-four recreationally trained subjects (around 20 years old) were randomly assigned to stretching and non-stretching conditions.
The result?
Muscle effectively DOUBLED in the group that used anabolic stretching. Furthermore, the ligaments and tendons seem to both have been "bulletproofed".
In short, the study suggested the optimal environment for results is a combination of mechanical tension and muscle damage.
Tacking on some "Anabolic Stretching Sets" near the end of your regular workout when you're experiencing significant cell swelling lead to MASSIVE results.
You increase overall muscular tension while also maximizing the cell swelling response for maximal muscle GROWTH.
Gymnasts Have Been Experiencing This "Anabolic Advantage" Since The Ancient Olympics...
They have the shoulders and arms to prove it!
Gymnasts by nature need to build massive strength, size and stability to do what they do. Furthermore they cannot risk being weak or inflexible. Their body adapts, through anabolic stretching because it has too. The result is a jaw dropping physique combined with superhuman like strength, size and flexibility.
The typical recommendations for increasing flexibility been to increase your range of motion in a static stretching position using only your bodyweight. When you add load into the equation via anabolic stretching work, the entire scenario changes.
Anabolic stretching challenges your body to build both flexibility and strength in the positions you need it most. By anabolic stretching in the proper manner, you will be able to build strength into your flexibility.
Stretching the sheaths or layers that encapsulate the muscle bundles will elicit another anabolic effect. In protective response to this unstable change, the stretched muscle sheets trigger an increase in protein splitting, muscle cell division, and collagen breakdown and repair. The result is, again, hypertrophy for survival.
So I Stopped “Traditional” Recovery Methods Each Week And Started Tacking On 10 Minute Anabolic Stretching Sessions To My Workout...
My Injuries healed, libido spiked and muscle starting piling on
Excessively long workouts and rehab were a thing of the past.
It was like a huge breath of fresh air. Less reps or sets schemes. No more super sets, drop sets or “maxes” on the calves to build stubborn muscles. Just 10 minutes of Anabolic Stretching, per workout and almost every problem I ever had, solved.
It was simple and straightforward.
Around week 2, something happened. I noticed a surge in anabolic energy. I just felt more manly. And my body started to show it. I was no longer getting injured. Every week I was hitting new Pr's and best of all? Muscle building surged while fat dropped and energy continued to sky rocket.
Literally in just 10 minutes per day, things went BACK to normal, yet for the better. I had more muscle, less belly fat, doubled energy and MORE time.
Imagine that? That feeling of being UNSTOPPABLE all the time. That you can conquer anything you put your mind too.
It’s pretty awesome. I won’t lie to you.
I Started Teaching It And Realized There's More Of A Need To Cut Through All The Bullshit And Deliver One Simple Thing: THE TRUTH
They were skeptical at first. And to be honest I didn’t know if it would work for them as well as it did for me. Yet after following my Anabolic Stretching program to a tee, they began experiencing the same muscle building results I did.
This is when I knew I needed to get it into the hands of as many people as possible.
So I decided to put everything down into a simple, step by step plan any guy can follow to achieve the head turning, girl getting, respect commanding, badass body of his dreams…
I call it...
Anabolic Stretching

With Anabolic Stretching You Can Now Blast Through Any Stubborn Body Part, Double Your Muscle Gains, Slash Fat And Supercharge Your Anabolic Hormones In Just 10 Minutes Per Workout While Essentially Becoming Wolverine...

Until now, guys have settled for ordinary recovery techniques, feminizing yoga and body ruining stretching workouts. All without knowing how bad they may be derailing their masculine hormones and damaging their physiques.
No one wants to walk around with a body that screams "lazy", "average" and "unworthy".
Thankfully you won't have to anymore - by simply adding this 10 minute anabolic stretching routine to the end of your workout. Studies show, from the very first Anabolic Stretching Set your body will INSTANTLY be flooded with a SURGE of anabolic hormones, increase muscle building potential by up to 334%.
It’s that quick.
Just 10-minutes Per Day And You’ll Trigger Better Results Than What Most People Spend Hours Chasing After In The Gym...
By the 7th "anabolic stretch" you’ll feel muscle growth exploding everywhere while your mobility and general sense of wellbeing skyrockets.
Soreness will be a thing of the past.
The surge of anabolic hormones will force you to remember your first few weeks of training - when muscle just piled on no matter what you did.
All you have to do is follow the simple 10 minute anabolic stretch in each workout and let your body do the rest...
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. You got to this point in your life by doing something. If you continue down that path, you will remain the same. Period.
And my guess is, you don't settle for average.
Most men believe they will see faster and better results if their workouts are longer and harder. If they confuse their muscles more. Unfortunately, these guys are missing the big picture; the one thing that dictates body transformations and if you will be the guy walking around a badass, or just wishing you were one.
The Dictator?
Long-term muscle health dysfunction will prevent you from achieving any sort of permanent fat loss or muscle gain.. It's critical that you understand the functions of muscle and its role on specific hormones so that you aren't wasting your TIME and $$$ busting your ass with minimal results.
Or worse, doing permanent damage with ill-conceived crash diets and poorly designed programs (that may not have been designed for YOU) that is difficult and sometimes impossible to reverse.
There's a reason many athlete's opt for steroids. Increases in muscle growth, strength, power, speed, and muscle recovery are just a few. Why else would professional athletes risk their careers and reputations by using them?
But I think I know you. You’re not one to order thousands of dollars of illegal steroids or inject yourself with synthetic, unregulated chemicals. And, you don’t have to. Instead, flood your blood with potent anabolic hormones naturally in less time than it takes to get a coffee at Starbucks in the morning.
Yet I Must Warn You, This Isn't For Everyone...
However if you want a body that oozes confidence, respect and raw power in half the time, then keep reading...
Head Turning, Respect Commanding Bodies Are Only For The Worthy... Is That You?
Anabolic Stretching is only for men who want Herculean results in half the time. Never again will you have to choose between looking good and performing good.
Instead, you’ll build a shredded and powerful physique without wasting hours per week following another muscle-killing, testosterone-sapping, joint destroying "recovery" plan.
This system is the real deal. The only recovery solution designed entirely for men to enhance their anabolic hormones and pile on rock hard muscle while staying lean year round.
These "anabolic stretching sets" won't be a walk in the park. But if you can’t handle a couple of quick and challenging stretching sets, then you don’t deserve to have your dream body anyway..
Here's Just A Sample Of What You'll Discover Inside The Anabolic Stretching System, When You Invest In Yourself Today...
- The anabolic stretching trick that flip the anabolic switch to ON triggering more muscle than you ever thought possible at Warp speed results.
- The exact amount of time to "stretch" and why doing more or less will absolutely kill your results
- Why static stretching will be the death of your body, muscles and physique and what to do instead (hint: it's not dynamic stretching)
- The proper macronutrient ratio you need to be eating for maximum anabolic gains, recovery and testosterone (found on page 63)
- Discover the 2 master muscle hormones and how you can use anabolic stretching sets to unleash floods of them directly into your muscles
- The one stretch you can do every morning for 3 minutes to instantly unleash 33% more testosterone into your blood stream
- Anabolic Stretching Sets from beginner to advanced, to boost your muscle building potential by 318% and DOUBLE your recovery
- The right cocktail of supplements for men only to unleash YOUR anabolic advantage and build a head turning physique
- The controversial topic hyperplasia and how it will unleash the inner badass in you and triple your results...Guaranteed
- How to turn your tendons and ligaments into steel and supercharge your strength and muscle in only 10 minutes a workout (found on page 34)
- The optimal time to stretch (do this wrong and you could be destroying progress and even hurting your self)
- My infamous ARD Secret: How to smash plateaus, supercharge recovery and skyrocket testosterone for a rapid badass transformation.
- The 5 things you need to do every day to maintain optimal health, testosterone and bulletproof your body
- Stressed out? 3-5 minutes of this unique breathing techique will put you back at ease and even boost confidence + more benefits
- F.O.C.U.S. Goal setting: How to track your progress, set goals and reach new heights so you know exactly how close you are to reaching Badass Body Status
- Achieve the strength, flexibility and size of an olympic gymnast by stealing their tricks (adapted for us normal folks)
- The single mechanism all bodybuilders use to quickly gain muscle mass or break size barriers and how you can safely and naturally exploit them to double your muscle gains
- The Harvard 4-Step Power Pose. Scientifically proven to increase testosterone, flood your system with good emotions, pack on lean muscle, and increase productivity for you
- The mental mastery guide to building the body of your dreams (most people fail because they don’t get this handled)
- How your body's natural survival response has been tricked into permanent "danger" mode, and how you can switch it off to see faster fat loss and more energy (the reasoning behind this is crazy, but completely true).
- Why, if you have a desk job or drive a car for long periods, you need to act NOW.
- If you're overweight, I'll show you the reason why it's not your metabolism...(and it's not your genetics either)
- Recent research done at the Mayo Clinic shows testosterone DROPPING over 17% over the past two decades. Here's what to do about it.
Here's What The Early Testers Had To Say...
Peter doesn’t just know his stuff, he lives and breathes it. Working with him as been one of the best decisions I have ever made towards achieving my goals for a better body, more energy, and upgraded lifestyle. Anabolic Stretching has been a key component to my fitness success. The methods are groundbreaking and the results… legendary. Peter makes it effortless. He truly is on another level. Anabolic Stretching is THE PROGRAM I recommend take your body to the next level.
Rick A. CEO, Inspired to Influence
Every so often, a muscle building technique comes along and shakes things up. This is one of them. As a WBFF Pro champion, I need every advantage I can get. Anabolic Stretching without a doubt delivers on this promise. It’s one of the secret ingredients that helped me become a world champion 3 times.
MATT STIRLING Author, Customized Carb Cycling Solution
Finally, a muscle building protocol that doesn’t look like every other program on the market. Peter’s methods for packing on muscle are unique and WORK. Anabolic stretching is the missing ingredient people need to add to their workouts right now – their body and health depends on it.
Joe L. Creator of The Anabolic Running System
After my knee surgery, I fell into a lull of inactivity and poor eating habits which led to unwanted weight gain. When I started working with Peter and the Anabolic Stretching system, I was able to instantly supercharge my recovery. The system is nothing short of remarkable. I recommend everyone use it at the end of their workout if they want more muscle and less injuries.
Dan Y. Chiropractor Student
How Much Do You Feel All Of This Would Be Worth To You?
Like I said, I wanted this to be a no-brainer for you. A complete done for you system that boosts testosterone, supercharges muscle growth and bulletproofs your body in just 10 minutes per workout all the while you’re slowly training your body to have wolverine like recovery.
In the beginning I would have sold this entire system to my clients for $397 ON TOP of what I was already charging for “in-person” training. I’ve had guys offer me upwards of $497/month just to learn these same secrets I’m sharing with you... And eventually I plan on raising the price of Anabolic Stretching 2.0 to its real value...
However, because I’m releasing this to the public for the first time, I’m looking to transform 1000 Men.
You’ve proven you’re serious about building a badass body and gaining an anabolic advantage so I trust you’ll set aside 10 minutes of your week and follow this plan exactly as it is. For that reason, I’m going to practically give away this program for a pre sale release discount of over 87% off at just a one-time investment of $9.

Click The “BUY NOW” Button BEFORE The Timer Runs Out To Qualify For The Launch Discount Price of Only $9
Take Action Right Now, And Receive My Special VIP Only Bonuses Completely FREE:
Included with your value packed Anabolic Stretching System I’ll also be hooking you up if you take action right now with something extra.
See, we’ve taken it one step further for you and made available 4 limited time bonuses to get warp speed like results.
Don’t worry, you can thank me later.
Bonus 1 - Becoming Wolverine, Advanced Recovery Techniques ($49 Value)
As far back as I can remember, my favourite superhero has been and Wolverine. I mean his raw energy, adamantium claws and ability to self heal really do it for me. Not to mention how consistently shredded he is.
Now unfortunately I cannot surgically implant retractable adamantium claws into my hands. However, why could I not look and perform and recover like wolverine?
After years of experimenting, I was able to crack the code for all three of those. The techniques in here are not well known, yet devastatingly effective and turning you into wolverine (especially when combined with anabolic stretching.)
Bonus 2 - The Man Supplement Bible ($19 Value)
The supplement world is a vast and confusing landscape full of really bad information. Some are fantastic, and others are complete crap—knowing which is which is the hard part. Thankfully, it's part of my job.
Let’s clear up all that confusion and address the foundation supplements that are safe, effective, and legitimate FOR MEN.
And so in this guide, I've outlined the ones that will help you meet your goals, supercharge testosterone and give you a rundown of which to stay away from—incredibly helpful for getting results without wasting money!
Bonus 3 - The Fast Start Guide ($19 Value)
Alright, so you're just about ready to begin the program and you want to make sure you have everything lined up for success. Get excited by getting a quick and easy tutorial, from the heart of the AS program.
Minimal fluff, all action.
From the different phases, to how to flood your system with anabolic hormones via anabolic stretching sets, it's all in here to ensure you have everything in place leading up to your "official" first day.
Bonus 4 - The Anabolic Morning Protocol ($27 Value)
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones produced by the body, particularly for males. Not only is it vital to maintaining proper musculature and masculine appearance, it has myriad psychological benefits as well.
Most of you probably know that your individual testosterone levels fall as you age. But studies have shown that men today, across the population, have about 20% less testosterone than men the same age did just two decades ago. Yup, we are slowly being womanized.
In this kick ass guide, I reveal to you the Anabolic Morning Protocol. Backed by an elite team of Harvard researchers, This 2 minute exercise done daily can increase your Testosterone levels by up to 40% while simultaneously lowering your cortisol levels without any pills, potions, needles, or supplements…
It’s one of my most well kept secrets. So use it wisely
Click The “BUY NOW” Button BEFORE The Timer Runs Out To Qualify For The Launch Discount Price of Only $9
Now, Imagine For A Second, You Decide To Put Yourself First Today And Give Anabolic Stretching Your Best Shot...
You download the entire course, read through everything and begin. You take that first step towards a journey of a thousand miles.…
Now, Imagine looking at yourself in the mirror 4 weeks from now and seeing the progress...
Your body and muscles surging to an entirely new level of growth and prosperity
Your definition is becoming more apparent while veins are bulging out of your biceps.
You see yourself adding weight and smashing plateaus to lifts you’ve likely been stuck at for months or years…
Then after a few short months, the difference in your physical prowess will be nothing short of remarkable. You’re walking around super strong, with razor sharp abs and a body that girls drool over.
One by one, people will begin treating you differently. Really differently.
They know that you’re someone different. Someone special. Someone thoughtful.
They’ll come to think of you in a different way.
Boost Testosterone, Increase Libido, Build Muscle, And Feel More Confident or Your Money Back

Your Purchase is 100% Risk Free!
Before you say anything else, let me put your mind at ease.
Adam and I are so confident in this system that we’re go one step further.
Bullerproof your body and experience muscle growth like never before in the next 60 days or get your money back. Seriously.
That means you can try this entire system out, and all the bonuses, FREE.
And if you don’t experience the muscle surging, body transforming power of anabolic stretching in the next 60 days and can prove to us you tried the system step by step.. then it’s FREE.
Read that again, that’s F-R-E-E. As in, you don’t pay a single dime, bud.
Just contact us, and I’ll personally see to it that you get your entire investment refunded, down to the very last penny.
No questions. No hassle. Just a prompt refund.
And you can keep the program and the goodies as a token of his gratitude.
This really is a no-brainer by any means.
Join us inside, and let’s fill your life with love and passion, together, right now:
90% OFF Until Friday
Essentially, You Have 2 Choices And Regardless, You Will Choose One Of The Two Today:
Choice 1: You Can Take All The Tips And Info I Just Gave You And Try To Put The Puzzle Pieces Together On Your Own, Without Assistance...
And who knows? You may get lucky and, one day, see some progress. It will take longer, of course, and you'll make a lot of painful mistakes and waste days, months or even years (like I did) not really getting anywhere. And maybe one day, a few years from now, you will have arrived. Tired, broken and wondering if it was really worth it?
Will all those nights out you missed, the family dinners you ate “healthy” at and those girls you missed out on worth the body you have now? Was it really worth all that lost time and effort in the end?
But you can choose this. I am not stopping you.
However, There's The Smarter Choice: The One Really Savvy, Ambitious Men Take To Speed Up Their Progress Toward Building Their Very Own Badass Body...
This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to achieve the badass body you deserve in minimal time.
Why risk failure and frustration trying to figure all of this out by yourself, when I've done the hard work for you? Why even consider starting from scratch?
I've laid out your EXACT Step-by-Step Blueprint already! This Blueprint has a legion of raving fans, because I've tested, perfected, and honed this system down to a work of art and I guarantee it will work for you.
I am giving you the map. All you have to do is follow it.

Click The “BUY NOW” Button BEFORE The Timer Runs Out To Qualify For The Launch Discount Price of Only $9
You have absolutely nothing to lose.
See you inside in just a second…
To Fitness, Freedom and Fortune,
Peter Tzemis
P.S. Dude, there’s nothing wrong if you don’t want to build a badass body. Nothing wrong at all.
Billions of men walk around fat every day and are seemingly satisfied with it. We both know that they aren't however. We both know that their ugly fat rolls suck the soul right out of them.
You see it in their ghost like faces; The way they carry themselves. The way they move through life - almost as if there in a permanent trance. Resigned to living a mediocre life, which is okay.
However, I knew early on, I wasn’t destined to lead that kind of life. And I firmly believe... YOU certainly are not destined to lead that kind of life either.
So when I say I’m committed to help you discovering this...I TRULY AND AUTHENTICALLY MEAN IT. I’ve seen it change lives and I know it can change yours. You just gotta give it one chance. Just one shot.
That’s why I’m giving you my Iron Clad, 60 Day money back guarantee. So go ahead and click the button below. Give it all you’ve got and then get back to me with your life changing transformation story.
P.P.S. Take a quick second and think about what would happen if you don’t end up investing in yourself and your future today...and if you say you’ll just be back tomorrow.
We both know you won’t. And “Poof” another opportunity gone, forever.
See, if you pass up on this irresistible offer right now, chances are you’ll still be stuck exactly where you are right now;
Wasting your hard earned money and your precious time on things that won’t build that dream body and just have you spinning your wheels in place..With that gut wrenching, knife twisting feeling of regret for the rest of your overweight life.
Guys who wait get left in the dust. It's time to take back control of your body starting today. Join us, right here, right now:

90% OFF Until Friday
Frequently Asked Questions
Is It Okay To Use Dumbbells In Place Of Barbells?
Yes, of course. Speaking typically, barbells allow you to use more weight, and DBs allow for a greater range of motion. So, they each have benefits.
During the course of the any of my programs, I will prescribe both, for various reasons. While I would typically prefer that you follow the workouts exactly as I write them, I understand that things get in the way and that won’t always be possible.
Is this another traditional stretching program?
No. Although Anabolic Stretching has been developed through several “stretching” studies, this program will give you a unique formula for faster and greater results. Anabolic Stretching increases your exposure to two of the most powerful muscle-building and recovery hormones: HGH and Testosterone. No other stretching program is built for increasing muscle mass, strength and flexibility.
How long before I notice results?
It depends how much effort you put into the program. If you follow everything exactly as I lay out, you can begin to notice improvements in your physique in a week, stubborn body parts in 2 weeks and an increase in your sex drive and energy in 21 days.
Can beginners use this program? Or is this just for advanced lifters.
This program is both for advanced guys and beginners. Anabolic stretching can be used for beginners as long as he follows the progression properly. Meaning you go from phase 1 then phase 2 then phase 3.
No skipping ahead.
What if it doesn’t work for me?
If you don’t notice a difference, just send me an email and I’ll be more than happy to issue you a refund. No question, no hassles.
How long does it take for me to get the program?
About 10 seconds to a few minutes. After you purchase, you’ll get instant access to the entire Anabolic Stretching program. You can download it to your computer and start increasing your testosterone right away. Nothing is shipped in the mail so you don’t have to wait through any long fulfilment process for your program. Plus, doing it this way allows me to offer you the entire system at a reduced price, which are bonus points for you!

Click The “BUY NOW” Button BEFORE The Timer Runs Out To Qualify For The Launch Discount Price of Only $9
Is my credit card and personal information safe?
Absolutely. When you click the “buy now” button you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.
Will this program require a ton of equipment?
No, everything can be done at your local gym or even at your home providing you have some basic equipment (this is covered in the blueprint)
Who is ClickBank?
Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.
Can I use PayPal to Checkout?
Yes. You can securely purchase Anabolic Stretching using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.
Will I be billed more than once?
No. Anabolic Stretching is a one time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever.
Who are you and how did you discover anabolic stretching?
I discovered Anabolic Stretching after losing my strength and muscle mass while never recovering from an injury even though I followed traditional “rehab” advice.
I frantically started researching a rehab solution that would get me back in shape so I could resume life again. That’s when I came across dozens of articles and studies supporting anabolic stretching for men. Since then my mission has been helping men transform their physiques, get fit, increase their energy and improve their sex life simply by adding this one missing ingredient to the end of their workout.
90% OFF Today $9
Alway, S. E., P. K. Winchester, M. E. Davis, and W. J. Gonyea. Regionalized adaptations and muscle fiber proliferation in stretch-induced enlargement. J. Appl. Physiol. 66( 2): 771-781, 1989.
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