Discover The Power Of Sleep...
Skinny Sleep Solution: The Overnight Weight Loss Solution
Is Your BEDROOM Making You Fat?
Celebrity Sleep Doctor Discovers 4 Bedroom Swaps That Reverse “Metabolic Grogginess”, Turn On Your Skinny Sleep Hormones And DOUBLE Your Fat Loss, OVERNIGHT (1)... Without A Single Workout Or Change To Your Diet
Meaning, You Can Reverse Aging, And Melt Pounds Of Ugly, Stubborn Belly Fat, Starting Tomorrow Morning!
“Dr. Michael Breus is not just The Sleep Doctor, he is MY sleep doctor. I trust him with my patients, my viewers and my readers. - Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D., Heart Surgeon, Best Selling Author, Host of The Dr. Oz Show
Imagine finding out something you do everyday, is unknowingly putting your health at serious risk while piling on the pounds (no matter how much you diet) and robbing you of the happiness you deserve.
Or worse... silently slashing off 1, 5 maybe 10 years of your life.
If I was to show you how every aspect of your life is being sabotaged by a silent enemy stealthily lurking in the background...
You might be shocked...even angry.
Disappointed no one had warned you.
This silent enemy causes more disease, more car accidents and more weight gain than any other “disease” known to man. It often goes undiagnosed for years and can strike any night, but often chooses to do so when you are your most stressed.
So who is this silent enemy?
First let me introduce myself.
Hi, I’m Dr. Michael Breus, PhD. but you might know me as America’s Sleep Doctor.
I’m a world renowned sleep psychologist and best selling author that has helped hundreds of thousands of men and women reclaim their sleep and their life.
I am also on the clinical advisory board of The Dr. Oz Show and have consulted to brands such as Advil PM, Disney, Breathe Rite, Crowne Plaza Hotels, Princess Cruise lines, and more.
You see, there is no area of human function that isn't affected by the biggest and most far-reaching, yet largely preventable, health affliction of our times.
And unfortunately women over 30 fall victim to this this enemy more than any other part of the population.
Who is this culprit?
Quiz: Is Your Bedroom Is Secretly Making You Fat?
If You Answer Yes To Any One Of The Five Questions Below, Your Bedroom Could Be Destroying Your Fat Loss Hormones And Piling On The Pounds While You Sleep!
(Make this a chart with yes/no)
Q1 Do You Sleep With Your Phone In Your Room?
Q2 Have You Changed Your Mattress In The Last 3 Years?
Q3 Is Your Room Pitch Black When You Sleep
Q4 Is Your Room Cold When You Sleep?
Q5 Is Your Bedroom Messy Or Full Of Clutter?
Why Do Some Women Diet And Detox Every Day And Can’t Lose Even 1 Pound… While Others Can Do Whatever They Want And Still Stay Slim?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 35 percent of people are sleep deprived. And when you consider that the statistic for obesity is nearly identical, it’s easy to connect the dots and discover that the connection is not a coincidence.
The more women I consult and treat for sleep and weight issues the more I realize that the difference between slim women and overweight women is not:
X A Better Metabolism
X Eating “Healthier Foods” (In fact slim women often eat more of the yummy stuff)
X Skinny Genes
X More Exercise
What’s their secret then?
But not just any kind of sleep…
High quality, Skinny Sleep.
The importance of sleep is so significant that many experts are slowly realizing that it’s the most important factor in achieving a healthy, sexy and slim physique.
Meet Jaime, The 43 Year Old Mother Of Two Who Lost 37 Pounds By Sleeping
A few years ago I was introduced to a lovely woman Jaime.
For as long as she could remember, it was a battle to sleep. She would lay awake hours at night, staring at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep, wrestling with a million racing thoughts.
On the off chance she did fall asleep, she would often wake up in the middle of the night, starting the cycle all over again.
Sound familiar?
One Snowy Morning, Jaime Was Driving Home After Dropping Her Kids Off From School, Just Like She Normally Does…
Her morning routine was pretty standard.
</ Wake up and make coffee
</ Get the kids ready and off to school
</ Drive home to run her errands, or if she was working, then head to work
However this morning was especially exhausting. So she decided to drive home to nap.
As she was driving home, she well asleep at the wheel and blacked out!
The next thing she knew she was lying in a hospital bed bloodied and bruised…
Barely Escaping With Her life, ER Doctor’s Diagnosed Her With A Sleep Disorder, Gave Her Some Sleeping Pills And Sent Her On Her Way
This is usually what happens when experienced doctor’s deal with sleep issues. See sleeping Pills Can Increase The Risk Of Death And Even Cancer…
Many Doctor’s know the magnitude of the problem, yet they don’t give you a simple solution to fix it... instead they push prescription pills…
The authors of the current study on sleeping pill use, led by Daniel F. Kripke, MD, of the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center showed that the raw death rate for all users of sleeping pills was 4.86 times higher than that of non-users.
Even if you consume a dose as little as 0.4, which means not even 1 full sleeping pill, you increase your risk of death.
Why are doctors prescribing them at an unprecedented rate? Because the medical industry fat cats make billions on pushing pills.
It is in fact downright dangerous for you. There's no other way to say it.
The researchers estimate that sleeping pills may have been associated with 320,000 to 507,000 excess deaths.
The problem is that the “very bad” side effects don’t creep in until after a few months of popping sleeping pills…
The First Few Months For Jaime, Then Metabolic Grogginess Crept In And Started To Silently Suffocate Her…
Think about the last time you had a bad night of sleep. How did you feel when you woke up?
Exhausted. Dazed. Confused.
Maybe even a little grumpy?
It’s not just your brain and body that feel that way—your fat cells do too. When your body is sleep deprived, it suffers from “metabolic grogginess.”
And Jaime was feeling it.
Little by little, the pounds crept on.
No matter how hard she dieting or exercised, it seemed like everything she was eating turned to fat.
Before she knew it she was 37 lbs heavier, more depressed and more tired than she had ever been.
Then The Worst Happened…
Her husband was away for the weekend on one of his more business trips
(which seemed to be more and more frequent with every fund that Jaime gained)
So Jaime had the kids to herself and nice bed to relax and get some quality sleep.
After putting the kids down, she popped a sleeping pill and fell asleep.
That night though she had a particularly vivid nightmare…
A woman had broken into their house to steal her kids from her. After tying up the kids, the woman entered her bedroom to deal with her…
As the thief put her arms around her, Jaime did the only thing she knew to do and fought back…
Kicking And Screaming, Her Child Amy Was Crying And Pleading For Her Mom To Stop Choking Her!
It turns out that Amy her child had a nightmare and had walked into her room to cuddle with her mommy.
Jaime’s nightmare of the thief putting her arms on her was just her child amy, hugging her mommy.
Unfortunately the metabolic grogginess combined with the sleeping pills cause Jaime to unconsciously live out her dream and protect her family by choking out the figure standing over her bed.
Her 8 year old daughter, Amy.
Hearing screams her older brother, runs into the room tackles Jaime, knocking her out of her sleep trance and saving Amy’s life.
Looking over at her horrified kids faces, Jaime breaks down, tears streaming down her face pleading for forgiveness and swearing enough is enough.
The Very Next Morning, Jaime Walked Into My Office Broken, Sleepless, 37 Pounds Overweight, And Wondering What The Hell To Do!
“Doc, I can’t even sleep in the same house as my children, because I might kill them. I’m 37lbs overweight, don’t sleep anymore and I might lose my kids…
Can you help me?”
“Of course I can Jaime”
And what happened next blew my mind.
Together We Devised A Skinny Sleeping Plan To Reverse “Metabolic Grogginess” And Get Her Life Back On Track…
It wasn’t easy but we started with some small steps.
Cutting out the caffeine before 2pm.
No alcohol 3 hours before bed.
Getting some sun early in the morning.
And that all worked and helped but it was too generic and not enough!
So we went deeper and found that Jaime’s bedroom sucked.
Safety First!
“A restful night never happens if your bedroom doesn’t make you feel safe. This may sound like a strange topic to breach, but it’s relevant— especially if you live alone and the onset of night makes you nervous, scared, or worried about intruders. Do everything in your power to ensure your safety. This may include having a house or door alarm, a dog, or using nightlights that make you feel extra safe”
4 Bedrooms Swaps To Melt Fat While Sleeping!
Bedroom Swap #1: Shades for black out curtains
One of the biggest culprits of poor sleep is not sleeping in a pitch black room. Quality blackout curtains block everything from street lights to sunlight allowing the pineal gland to optimally produce melatonin [1]. This is important since melatonin secretion influences and regulates our sleep cycle.
If you’re an insomniac or simply have trouble sleeping, a completely darkened room can help optimize your dream environment for a more restful sleep. How many times have you been distracted by the flickering headlights or ambient light from outside your window?
Bedroom Swap #2: Trade Hot For Cold
The ideal sleeping temperature is between 65 and 72 degrees—leaning more toward the lower temperature. A room above 75.2 degrees F can cause restless body movements, nighttime awakenings, and less dream sleep.
Cool temperatures increase the body’s stores of beige and brown fats, the “thinning” fats that burn calories, rather than storing them. Scientists recently discovered beige fat activates a protein that works to burn calories and generate heat in the body, and may have significant benefits in combating obesity and metabolic disorders.
Staying cool at night also stimulates your metabolism. Essentially, you need to burn more calories to keep warm.
Bedroom Swap #3: Trade Blue Light For Yellow Light
Blue light aggressively suppresses melatonin, throws daily bio rhythms out of sync, and inhibits sleep. Research shows this blue light delays melatonin production for more than twice as long as other light wavelengths, and alters circadian rhythms by twice the degree.
Too much bright light exposure, particularly in the evenings, compromises our sleep and health—including a greater potential for weight gain. Blue light’s suppression of melatonin may inhibit the weight-regulating benefits of this hormone and of sleep itself.
Bedroom Swap #4: Trade Clutter For Clean
An untidy room doesn’t evoke peace and serenity. It can have a psychological effect on you, or keep you up at night worrying about cleaning it up as soon as possible.
Keep your bedroom free of excess clutter, such as stuff you don’t need on or lying around your nightstand, books stacked high, children’s toys scattered about, or piles of mail, laundry, or furniture crammed together.
She Walked Into My Office 1 Month Later, And Had Lost 18lbs Without Changing Her Diet Or Exercise
My jaw hit the floor to say the least.
With A Few More Tweaks To Her Skinny Sleeping Plan, Jaime Was Down 37lbs, Off Her Meds, Reversed Her Pre-Diabetes, Lowered Her Blood Pressure And Best Of All… Woke Up Refreshed And Happy Every Morning
It turns out that proper restful sleep is one of the bet medicine’s to combat many types of diseases.
And the best part? Jaime wasn’t the only woman that this happened too.
Testimonial 1
Testimonial 2
Testimonial 3
Testimonial 4
A Study Done From The University of Chicago Showed That Skinny Sleep Helped DOUBLE Fat Loss
The study, performed at the University of Chicago's General Clinical Resource Center, followed 10 overweight but healthy volunteers aged 35 to 49 with a body mass index ranging from 25 (considered overweight) to 32 (considered obese).
Participants were placed on an individualized, balanced diet, with calories restricted to 90 percent of what each person needed to maintain his or her weight without exercise.
Each participant was studied twice: once for 14 days in the laboratory with proper sleep hygiene, and once for 14 days with standard inadequate sleep hygiene. The number of calories they consumed, about 1,450 per day, was kept the same.
The volunteers lost an average of 6.6 pounds during each 14-day session. However during the proper sleep hygiene phase, they more than DOUBLED their total fat loss (3.1 pounds vs 1.3).
The skinny sleep group also felt less hungry overall even though they were dieting.
Research Shows That Metabolic Grogginess Could Lead To An Extra 23lbs Of Fat Gained Per Year!
When your body is sleep deprived, it suffers from “metabolic grogginess.”
The term was coined by University of Chicago researchers who analyzed what happened after just four days of poor sleep—something that commonly happens during a busy week.
One late night at work leads to two late nights at home, and next thing you know, you’re in sleep debt.
Within just four days of sleep deprivation, your body’s ability to properly use insulin (the master storage hormone) becomes completely disrupted. In fact, the University of Chicago researchers found that insulin sensitivity dropped by more than 30 percent.
Here’s why that’s bad: When your insulin is functioning well, fat cells remove fatty acids and lipids from your blood stream and prevent storage.
When you become more insulin resistant, fats (lipids) circulate in your blood and pump out more insulin. Eventually this excess insulin ends up storing fat in all the wrong places, such as tissues like your liver. And this is exactly how you become fat and suffer from diseases like diabetes.
To make matters worse, another Chicago study showed that participants ate an average of 221 calories more when sleep deprived and metabolic groggy—an amount that could translate into 23 pounds of fat per year!
You Sleep Every Day Since You Were Born, Yet NOBODY Ever Taught Us HOW to Sleep Properly…
There are rules for eating, workout out and how to behave.
How to buy your food, how to store your food, how to prepare your food, how to eat your food, how to act socially when you eat, how to clean your dishes, how to store them and on and on.
But what are the rules you know about sleep?
You’d think someone would’ve taught us how to master something that we spend on average 1/3 of our life doing.
If you are like most people you know the basics and old wives tales.
Get 8 hours of sleep a night.
Don’t drink caffeine before bed.
Maybe don’t watch TV (or scroll through facebook and instagram right before you try to sleep).
Go to bed at the same time each night, no pets in the bed, buy a new bed, buy a new pillow, drink green juice, no carbs at night
Those recommendations can make sense, but do they work with you and YOUR LIFESTYLE?
Most often, not.
Introducing The Skinny Sleep Solution.
The only overnight weight loss solution for women proven to double your fat loss without changing your diet or exercise plan.
Info graph + book pics
Inside You’ll Discover…
> The secret to deeper sleep from the moment you hit the pillow until the moment you wake in the morning (waking up in the middle of the night is a thing of the past now).
> What to do if you do wake up in the middle of the night so you can fall back asleep almost instantaneously
> Your Skinny sleep Makeover: Creating a sleep sanctuary with the right sleep equipment and restful rituals
> Avoid these deadly sleep thieves so that you can sleep well overnight (page 15)
> How to activate brown fat while sleeping so that you can effortlessly DOUBLE fat loss overnight
> Why dieting and exercising won’t get your dream body, no matter how hard you try
> Skinny Sleep foods: the right foods to eat so you can help your body burn MORE fat while sleeping ( and which foods to avoid so that you stop handcuffing you fat cells)
> How to elevate your levels of “The Master Fat Burning Hormone” by 1300% in women and 2000% in men so your body becomes a raging fat-burning furnace every night… burning away unwanted fat while you sleep without even having to set FOOT in a gym…
> The “White Fat Fuel” secret that forces your body to stop feasting on sugar as your primary energy source and has your body and cells gobbling up your white fat like pudding so only your lean, beneficial brown fat remains…
> How to “turn back the clock” on your skin so you have the same clear, vibrant skin you had as a teenager… even if you’re decades past your prime and have smoked a pack a day for years…
> Sick of being “tired and grumpy” all the time? I’ll teach you a simple dietary trick that reduces the “depression chemicals” in your brain almost instantly… leading to a dramatic improvement in your mood in just 1 or 2 days.
> What the “Satiety Switch” is… and how to “flip” the switch on your hunger so you never get the “munchies” or the desire to “cheat” on your diet ever again…
> How to reduce cancer-causing inflammation throughout your body without dangerous and expensive drugs…
> The best pre bed tea to knock you out like an elephant tranquilizer, ensuring prefect, restful, fat burning sleep every night…
> The “Thyroid Accelerator” technique anyone with at least a 4th grade education can use to turn your thyroid dial up to 11 almost-automatically, dramatically increasing your rate of weight loss…
> What vegetables you must avoid when trying to lose fat (you’d be surprised how certain veggies could force your body to lay down layers of fat around your trouble spots)
> The secret to knowing WHEN to sleep. How a principle discovered in the 1950s by Soviet scientists could mean you getting more energy with LESS sleep.
You’ll Also Get These Special Bonuses
Skinny Sleep Supplements
Skinny Sleep Smoothie Recipes
28 Day Skinny Sleep Bootcamp
Bloating Begone
Double Your Energy
Just Imagine, In Less Than 3 Minutes From Now You'll Be Able To Use The Same Powerful System For Yourself To Sleep Your Fat Away, Starting Tonight!
With the “Skinny Sleep Solution" there are no drugs to take or any rules to follow that will destroy your social life. There is no need to starve yourself or work out like a self obsessed maniac.
Imagine the confidence you'll feel from walking into work wearing those jeans you haven't been able to zip up since your wedding.
Imagine the joy of seeing your spouse look at you the way he/she did so many years ago.
Imagine your excitement when just 14 short days from now, you step on your scale, look down, and see that you're 5, 7 even 10 pounds lighter!
And it was all so easy!
All you did was learn how to sleep ! Plus, you still got to enjoy delicious meals and even exercised a bit less, not more!
Imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat, all while knowing your health could be protected by one of the most powerful natural healing teas ever discovered.
Let me ask you, how much is it worth to you to never have to feel “fat” again for the rest of your life?
How much is it worth to you to have your friends JEALOUS of the amazing changes you’ve made to your body …begging you for your secrets…?
How much is it worth to NEVER feel like you have to “deprive” yourself or “diet” again?
Imagine that for a second…
Really let yourself feel what that would be like…
And then tell me…
How Much Do You Feel All Of This Would Be Worth To You?
If you hired me to speak at an even it would run you around $10,000. An half-hour with me at my office is $197 plus the cost of any tests that we run, the average patient will spend at least $500 on the first visit.
And if you’re being completely honest with yourself, I bet you’d say $197 or more would be totally fair to feel happy and SMILE so wide it makes your cheeks hurt every time you look in the mirror or run a hand along your belly because it’s so flat and strong and tight (without ever doing a anything that feels like “exercise” at all)…
(Heck, I bet you’d think that was cheap to never have to feel “fat” or “out of shape” again for the rest of your life…)
I mean, $197 is a lot of money, but considering how this will change your life forever and finally get you off the “diet hamster wheel” so you can spend your time LIVING your life instead of beating yourself up for not being as “fit” as you think you “should” be…
Well, when you look at it that way it seems pretty cheap, doesn’t it?
But after 17 years as The Sleep Doctor, I know that sometimes it feels impossible to be “selfish” and give yourself what you so desperately need…
Which is why I’m going to do something kind of risky here…
Not a risk to you…
But a big risk to me…
See, my mission in life for as long as I can remember has been to HELP people
That’s why I became a Doctor so many years ago…
That’s why I spent months and YEARS doing everything I could to help Jaime…
And if I have to take a hit to my wallet to help YOU?
Well, that’s a price I’m extremely happy to pay…
So here’s what I’m going to do…
We’ve already agreed that The Skinny Sleep Solution is worth at least $197…
But, given me some of your precious time…
I’m not going to ask you to invest $197…
I’m not even going to ask you to pay $97 (even though I know you’ll agree that would be a steal)…
No, for you (and for now) I’m going to do something a little bit “CRAZY”…
For as long as this page is up (and not a moment longer) I’m going to set YOUR PRICE for “The Skinny Sleep Solution” at just ONE single payment of $77…
And if you act RIGHT NOW I’ll take money out of my own pocket and give you a whopping 60% Off…
Which means if you simply click the button below right now you’ll get the complete “Skinny Sleep Solution” program for the severely discounted price of…
Just $37!
(Immediate Action Discount)
Oh, And Just To Take away Every Excuse Your Brain Can Come Up With Not To Do This For Yourself I’ve Got 2 Exciting Surprises For You:
- Skinny Sleep Foods
- Over 30 Libido Secrets
Big Pharma Is Trying To Shut Me Down!
Due to the powerful nature of this program, I have already gotten 3 letters from Big Pharma lawyers trying to shut me down.
It seems that the more people I help sleep better, the less money they make from their drugs, something they are not happy about…
I’ve fought them off for as long as I could but, I don’t know how much longer this page will be up.
If you’re still seeing this page, it means we’re still successfully fighting back!
But please, if you come back in a few hours or tomorrow the page might be gone and “Poof” your opportunity gone… Forever
If you pass up your one chance to “lock in” your discount now, there’s simply nothing I can do for you.
Just $37!
(Immediate Action Discount)
My Snooze To Lose Guarantee:
Sleep like a baby, Lose 10lbs, And Feel Better In The Next 60 Days Or Your Money Back!
Unlike most diet books, gym memberships, weight loss plans, and fat-burning pills on the market, The Skinny Sleep Solution comes with my personal, TRIPLE 100% no-nonsense “Lose The Weight Or It’s FREE” guarantee.
It’s just this simple:
- If at any time in the next 60 days you have not lost the weight I promised…
- Or don’t sleep like a baby
- Or just generally feel better…
You get you money back.
I’ll take a step further at even say that if you’re not completely satisfied with The Skinny Sleep Solution for any reason whatsoever, just let me know, and I will personally issue you a prompt and courteous refund — no questions asked.
I know this system is life-changing, and I don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to completely transform your body. I can’t make it any easier for you to take action, but you have to be the one who clicks the download button!
More Testimonials
FACT: Unless You Take Control Of The Quality Of You Sleep, You Will NEVER Lose The Excess Flab Around Your Waist (7)
The science is clear:
Sleep is the X factor for weight loss.
It’s the reason so many women diet and detox and exercise, yet never achieve their slim and sexy body they dream about.
It’s the reason those girls can eat whatever they want and never gain weight
It’s the reason why the diet industry keeps getting richer, and everyone keeps getting fatter.
Essentially, You Have 2 Choices, Leading to two very different lives… And Regardless, You Will Choose One Of The Two Today:
Option 1 is to leave this page WITHOUT enrolling in the program…
I think you already know what will happen if you do this because you’ve felt it so many times before…
That feeling of hopelessness…
Of being trapped in your body…
Of feeling yourself getting heavier and more exhausted and more FED UP with your struggle with your weight and with your body every single day…
Wondering why it’s SO HARD for you to get in shape and STAY in shape…
Or feeling GUILTY because you aren’t spending HOURS and HOURS at the gym every week pedaling as fast as you can but not getting anywhere at all…
I know you don’t want that…
I know you are SICK of seeing your ugly belly fat staring at you every time you look in the mirror…
Of pretending it doesn’t bother you and that you’re “OK” with the body you have right now…
Of YEARNING to know what it’s like to have power and control and ENERGY like you did when you were a kid…
However, There's The Smarter Choice:
Option 2: In a lot of ways it’s the easier road because all it takes on your part is deciding you love yourself enough to say “Yes” right now…
Simply click the button below, enter your payment information right now before life gets in the way and claim your spot in the “The Skinny Sleep Solution”…
Get every single thing I’ve talked about (and quite a few surprises I haven’t even mentioned but I can’t wait for you to see)…
Learn the simple, tested method that SAVED 100’s of clients lives, marriages and waist lines…
Learn the OVERNIGHT SECRET to a flat belly and a fit, healthy body that has been kept from you for so long…Without chaining your exercise or diet.
I can’t wait to see the amazing transformation you’re about to make!
I’ll see you on the next page…
Dr. Michael J. Breuss, Ph.D.,
The Sleep Doctor (TM)
P.s. Let me emphasize that the story you just heard is true and so are the results you will experience with using The Skinny Sleep Solution.
I am always surprised when people don't take action when they have the solution to their problem at their fingertips. You have nothing to lose and there is no risk with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
If you don’t lose at least 10 pounds with the skinny sleep solution, I’ll send you your money back.
You can even keep the program for free!
To order, simply click the order button above and you can begin safeguarding yourself and your loved ones from the life threatening effects bad sleep. Order now while there is still time.
P.p.s. Before we go, just imagine for a moment…
Imagine yourself rolling out of bed feeling light and strong for the first time in your life…
Imagine seeing a bright, beautiful smile on your face when you look in the mirror and realize how powerful and beautiful your body has become…
Imagine picking out clothes that SHOW OFF your body instead of hiding your belly like something to be ashamed of…
And then just click the button below…
Let me take the weight… let me show you the truth… let me help you finally have the body and the life you want so much…
I personally promise you’ll be very happy you did.
Again, I’m Dr. Breus and I’m incredibly excited for you to experience what happens when you apply “The Skinny Sleep Solution” in your life…
I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Still with me? I know you may have a few questions, so I'll answer the most common ones.
Q: I’m on sleeping medication, can I use this course?
A: Many people who are using sleep medication find that by following this program they are able to reduce or even stop using sleep medication. If you are under the care of a physician be sure to discuss what you are doing and how you might go about changing your prescription as you progress through the course successfully.
Q: I use a CPAP machine at night, can I use this program?
A: Definitely. Many people find that they are able to sleep even better and more soundly by using this program. Many also find that they are able to fall asleep faster and more predictably by following the program.
Q: I’ve heard that the more time I spend in bed the better chance I have of getting enough sleep, is that true?
A: While this would make logical sense, the more time I spend someplace the more likely I am do something. But think about it, does this really make sense? The more time you spend in the gym, do you exercise more? Maybe a little, but your body can only exercise so much before it just doesn’t want to anymore, the same is true for sleep. In fact if you understand your biological sleep systems, it may work the opposite way! There are two systems that create sleep for you. A drive like hunger that increases your sleepiness throughout the day and a biological clock telling your body when it is time to sleep. If you get in bed early your biological clock may not be ready for sleep! And then what happens? You just get annoyed. You sit there and think about how you are not sleeping, and it only gets worse. This is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Q: My Mind Won’t Shut Down At Night, Can That Really Be Changed?
A: This is the number one complaint I get in my clinic. So many people have this difficulty, but if you really think about it, it is kind of impossible. At some point, everyone will fall asleep. It is not like your sleep switch is suddenly broken and it will not allow your brain to sleep. But more than likely your thoughts come flooding in at night, when you are finally alone with your thoughts and someone is not asking you a question, or you are not involved with some activity. So Of course your mind is racing when you get in bed, which is just natural. You can and you will learn how to quiet your thoughts, and that is one of the main focuses of this program. You are going to learn several distraction, relaxation and meditation techniques, that will allow your mental activity to slow down a bit and allow your body to sleep. You are pretty normal.
Q: Is It True That A Nightcap Before Bed Will Help Me Relax?
A: There is some significant truth to this statement. Alcohol, in any form can make you feel relaxed, and even a little sleepy. But did you know that while it may make you feel tired, alcohol will keep you out of the deep stages of sleep? In fact without those deep stages not only will you wake up feeling un-refreshed, but you may disturb your sleep, waking up at night to go to the bathroom! Did you know that half of a hangover is dehydration, and the other half is sleep deprivation! So while this may have been something that you have done for many years, in fact it is not helping your sleep.
Q: Why does this program cost so much less than other programs?
A: I'm so confident in the effectiveness of this program and the miraculous red tea recipe that inspired it, that I know it's going to be a huge success. Plus, I know what it's like to feel helpless when it comes to your weight, so I want to help as many people as I possibly can. Since I don't want the price to stop you from getting the body you want, I'm making it as affordable as I possibly can.
Q: How many payments do you charge me?
A: Only one payment of just $37.
Q: Is my purchase guaranteed?
A: Totally! You have 60 days to try The Skinny Sleep Solution risk-free.
If at any time, for any reason during those 60 days, you are unhappy with the program, please email me so I can refund 100% of your money-no questions asked. (I just ask that you give The Skinny Sleep Solution an honest try.) And you can keep your free gifts!
Q: How long before I notice results?
It depends how much effort you put into the program. If you follow everything exactly as I lay out, you can begin to notice improvements in your sleep literally tonight. Within 7 days you may notice clothes fit better and within 21 days you’ll be down few inches, pounds and be feeling happier than ever.
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Results May Vary: the weight loss results testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss results will also vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.
Sleep Controls Your Diet..
The debate about the best way to achieve a healthy weight always revolves around eating and movement. If you want to look better, the most common suggestion is “eat less and move more.”
But it’s not that simple, or even accurate.
Sometimes you want to eat less and move more, but it seems impossible to do so. And there might be a good reason: Between living your life, working, and exercising, you’re forgetting to sleep enough. Or maybe, more importantly, you don’t realize that sleep is the key to being rewarded for your diet and fitness efforts.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 35 percent of people are sleep deprived. And when you consider that the statistic for obesity is nearly identical, it’s easy to connect the dots and discover that the connection is not a coincidence.
Not sleeping enough—less than seven hours of sleep per night—can reduce and undo the benefits of dieting, according to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
In the study, dieters were put on different sleep schedules. When their bodies received adequate rest, half of the weight they lost was from fat.
However when they cut back on sleep, the amount of fat lost was cut in half—even though they were on the same diet. What’s more, they felt significantly hungrier, were less satisfied after meals, and lacked energy to exercise. Overall, those on a sleep-deprived diet experienced a 55 percent reduction in fat loss compared to their well-rested counterparts.
Poor Sleep Changes Your Fat Cells And Can Cause Metabolic Grogginess...
Think about the last time you had a bad night of sleep. How did you feel when you woke up? Exhausted. Dazed. Confused. Maybe even a little grumpy?
It’s not just your brain and body that feel that way—your fat cells do too. When your body is sleep deprived, it suffers from “metabolic grogginess.”
The term was coined by University of Chicago researchers who analyzed what happened after just four days of poor sleep—something that commonly happens during a busy week. One late night at work leads to two late nights at home, and next thing you know, you’re in sleep debt.
But it’s just four nights, so how bad could it be? You might be able to cope just fine. After all, coffee does wonders. But the hormones that control your fat cells don’t feel the same way.
Within just four days of sleep deprivation, your body’s ability to properly use insulin (the master storage hormone) becomes completely disrupted. In fact, the University of Chicago researchers found that insulin sensitivity dropped by more than 30 percent.
Here’s why that’s bad: When your insulin is functioning well, fat cells remove fatty acids and lipids from your blood stream and prevent storage.
When you become more insulin resistant, fats (lipids) circulate in your blood and pump out more insulin. Eventually this excess insulin ends up storing fat in all the wrong places, such as tissues like your liver. And this is exactly how you become fat and suffer from diseases like diabetes.
Lack Of Rest Makes You Crave Food...
Many people believe that hunger is related to willpower and learning to control the call of your stomach, but that’s incorrect. Hunger is controlled by two hormones: leptin and ghrelin.
Leptin is a hormone that is produced in your fat cells. The less leptin you produce, the more your stomach feels empty.
The more ghrelin you produce, the more you stimulate hunger while also reducing the amount of calories you burn (your metabolism) and increasing the amount fat you store. In other words, you need to control leptin and ghrelin to successfully lose weight, but sleep deprivation makes that nearly impossible.
Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinoloy and Metabolism found that sleeping less than six hours triggers the area of your brain that increases your need for food while also depressing leptin and stimulating ghrelin.
If that’s not enough, the scientists discovered exactly how sleep loss creates an internal battle that makes it nearly impossible to lose weight.
When you don’t sleep enough, your cortisol levels rise. This is the stress hormone that is frequently associated with fat gain. Cortisol also activates reward centers in your brain that make you want food.
At the same time, the loss of sleep causes your body to produce more ghrelin. A combination of high ghrelin and cortisol shut down the areas of your brain that leave you feeling satisfied after a meal, meaning you feel hungry all the time—even if you just ate a big meal.
And it gets worse.
Lack of sleep also pushes you in the direction of the foods you know you shouldn’t eat. A study published in Nature Communications found that just one night of sleep deprivation was enough to impair activity in your frontal lobe, which controls complex decision-making.
Ever had a conversation like this?
“I really shouldn’t have that extra piece of cake… then again, one slice won’t really hurt, right?”
Turns out, sleep deprivation is a little like being drunk. You just don’t have the mental clarity to make good complex decisions, specifically with regards to the foods you eat—or foods you want to avoid.
This isn’t helped by the fact that when you’re overtired, you also have increased activity in the amygdala, the reward region of your brain.
This is why sleep deprivation destroys all diets; think of the amygdala as mind control—it makes you crave high-calorie foods.
Normally you might be able to fight off this desire, but because your insular cortex (another portion of your brain) is weakened due to sleep deprivation, you have trouble fighting the urge and are more likely to indulge in all the wrong foods.
And if all that wasn’t enough, research published in Psychoneuroendocrinology found that sleep deprivation makes you select greater portion sizes of all foods, further increasing the likelihood of weight gain.
The bottom line: Not enough sleep means you’re always hungry, reaching for bigger portions, and desiring every type of food that is bad for you—and you don’t have the proper brain functioning to tell yourself, “No!”
It's Not How Much You Sleep, But Rather How You Sleep...
The connection between sleep and weight gain is hard to ignore. Research published in theAmerican Journal of Epidemiology found that people who are sleep deprived are a third more likely to gain 33 pounds over the next 16 years than those who receive just seven hours of sleep per night.
And with all of the connections to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, and cognitive failure, the need to sleep goes far beyond just looking better and seeing results from your diet and exercise efforts.
While there’s no hard number that applies to all people, a good rule of thumb is to receive between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, and to make sure that one poor night of sleep isn’t followed up with a few more.
It might not seem like much, but it could make all the difference and mean more than any other health decision you make.
Introducing: The Skinny Sleep Solution
The Overnight Weight Management Solution For Women
The Skinny Sleep Solution is a comprehensive women’s health package that aims to provide women with everything they need to optimize their sleep experience lasting relief from symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, problem skin, and reduced desire in intimacy.
It includes a 140+ page guide that leads women step-by-step through identifying symptoms of sleep imbalance, interpreting sleep test results, and creating their personalised treatment plan.
Taken from a holistic approach, users are guided to identify the right combination of medical and natural sleep treatments that will work best for their body and achieve the results they are looking for.
The goal? To help every woman who is suffering from sleep imbalance to look and feel amazing again, by identifying and treating the root cause of her symptoms.
The package also includes amazing bonus resources aimed to maximise results and target problem areas. Check out what’s included below.
Here's What You Get...
#1 The Skinny Sleep Solution Main Manual
#2 Skinny Sleep Supplements Guide
#3 Skinny Sleep Smoothie Recipes
#4 Bloat Begone
#5 Double Your Energy
#6 28 Day Skinny Sleep Bootcamp and Workbook
Here's What You Get...

Your Purchase is 100% Risk Free!
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The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.