Here’s Your One-time Opportunity to Upgrade Your Order and Get...
Chiseled Abs 3X FASTER
Again, congratulations! I believe you have made one of the wisest decisions a guy could ever make.
Speaking from personal experience, committing to having great abs no doubt will have you looking better... get you more hot women... and have you feeling great about yourself than probably ANY OTHER ACTIVITY on the planet (outside of having mind blowing sex all day long.)
Now, my job as your six pack abs coach, is to get you from wherever you are right now, to where you ultimately want to be.
As rapidly as possible.
If you must know, I don’t like to mess around. And because you’re part of my tribe, my guess is you don’t want to mess around either.
So right now, let’s cut to the chase...
Besides actually working out, focusing on making your abs “pop”, the most important thing you can do is give your body high quality, abs-targeted nutrients to work with.
That means food. That means diet.
But not diet like a starvation diet.
No. I’m talking about a diet where you actually FLOOD your body with targeted nutrients--and in this case, targeted to help build your abs.
So one of the biggest mistakes guys make when sculpting their abs, is they try to “diet”.
They think they just need do “normal” dieting or maybe a bit better, something called “fat loss” dieting.
But trust me when I say this, try either one and you’ll spend MONTHS getting your abs to “pop” like an ice tray.
Let me ask you, who the fvck has time for that?
I don’t know about you, but I have a better way.
Six Pack Finishers is better than anything out there when it comes to working your abs into shape.
But you gotta get rid of the layer of belly blubber--so you can SEE THEM.
Get it?
And unfortunately, normal or fat loss dieting...
- ALWAYS works off the concept of deprivation. (And this sucks, because cravings instantly kick in when you deprive yourself of something your body needs)...
- And what’s worse is you’re not getting the nutrients needed to sculpt the abs.
That all adds up to self-inflicted...
And we can’t have that, can we?
We need to aim ALL OUR RESOURCES at the problem. But how?
You must melt fat using ab-targeted nutrition.
That why I created…
The Six Pack Accelerator System
Six Weeks To A Shredded Six Pack
When it comes to your abs, lean is what we’re shooting for, right?
What we want is a skin that’s paper-thin, covering our evermore-defined abs. Not skin that looks like beached whale blubber when you look in the mirror.
Six Pack Accelerator System gives you that lean, “cut” effect we all want.
Here’s the Deal...
Probably one of the most famous strength coaches on the planet is Canadian Charles Poliquin. He created a system called Biosignature Modulation Method that deals specifically with “spot” reduction.
Once I discovered him, I ate up everything he ever said--like a hungry piranha.
The Six Pack Accelerator System which is based upon his method, takes your hormonal profile by obtaining fat measurements via calipers on twelve specific spots on your body.
That precious data is then used to determine which hormones are out of whack. So you can improve your diet in new ways to correct this balance.
For instance, there’s a hormone called cortisol. It’s released when there’s emotional stress in your like.
If you tend to worry a lot, then odds are you’re carrying around significant belly fat.
Fortunately there are foods, and more importantly combinations of foods, which can correct the situation rapidly, providing a great counter-balance.
With the Six Pack Accelerator System, I give you the exact plan I privately coach and train all my students who are targeting their abs.
Guys are usually shocked because the majority of the foods and meals are things THEY LIKE--they just didn’t realize how valuable they were when it comes to ab-targeted spot reduction.
Let’s be clear. You NEED Protein, Fats and Carbs.
But it’s the TYPE of those things... the QUALITY of those things... and their SOURCES that will give you the ab-tastic results you’ve been looking for.
Special Free Bonus #1: 7 Day Ab Shocker (Value $27)
There have been situations where I didn’t have even a month to prep for a modeling gig but I still wanted to look in peak form.
Enter 7-Day AB Shocker.
“AB Shocking” is a method I use that throws my AB into a state of muscle confusion. When it comes to muscle definition, shocking your muscles is an incredibly quick and effective method.
- Just 7 short days to more defined abs...
- Your abs are rock hard, able to take a punch without flinching (ask me how I know)
- Sessions fly by, just 20 minutes...
Give it just one week, and I guarantee you’ll notice the difference.
Special Free Bonus #2: Six Pack Accelerator Shake (Value $67)
Want to really accelerate your abs sculpting?
Give your body a nutrition boost--right BEFORE your workout.
My Six-Pack Accelerator Shake.
- It’s super easy to prep...
- All natural--contains zero crap that can screw with your body’s metabolism...
- Steroid like gains. You’ll see your muscles respond immediately--like right after your first session...
- Eases the shock, awe and pain
Special Free Bonus #3: Speed Shred Supplement Black Book (Value $47)
Most guys expect to get significant gains and still expect they can eat crap.
That’s not how it works.
Speed Shred - The Supplement Guide accelerates your gains by giving your body the exact nutritional components you need for maximum results.
- Give your body an abundance of the nutrition you need to sculpt sexy muscle...
- Your skin, eyes and hair will also respond to increased nutritional...
- Other benefits also include clearer thinking, a stronger libido and increased endurance...
Special Free Bonus #4: Six Pack Meal Plans (Value $47)
One of the biggest challenges guys face when it comes to sticking with a diet is consistency.
I solved that by problem for you by also providing Six Pack Accelerator meal plans that take the guesswork out of preparing your meals.
I give you the schedule, I tell you what foods, I give you the recipes and I give you the shopping lists.
Special Free Bonus #5: Six Pack Macro Calculator (Value $47)
Now you get to choose your own macro adventure.
The great thing about IIFYM and flexible dieting is that it really is flexible.
You can customize it to work best for your individual body.
Even though the macronutrient ratios presented by the calculator are a healthy and an effective starting point for just about anyone, people vary in their tolerance of different macros.
It’s proven… the protein, fats and carbs... one size doesn’t fit all.
That’s why you need my Macro Calculator. It’s essential if you want accelerated ab-sculpting.
Because some individuals DO far better with lots of carbs. While others thrive on more fat.
You might even find this is all it takes to start feeling more energized and seeing better results--without the need to starve yourself.
It’s the foundation of my system and your when you click the Add to Cart button below
Special Free Bonus #6: Six Pack Restaurant Survival Guide (Value $47)
Listen, I don’t know if you eat out a lot, but even if you don’t, you want THIS guide on your cell phone.
For instance, let’s say you’re out and about, and you see an In-and-Out Burger and you decide to have a quick bite to eat.
Now, normally the In-and-Out Burger menu is pretty fattening. Good, but fattening.
But did you know they have a secret menu?
This secret menu doesn’t take out all the bad stuff, but it’s a GREAT set of compromises.
There are lots ways to optimize a restaurant’s menu for maximum impact.
And I share them with you as well as all sorts of other tips and strategy for navigating the restaurant world in this essential guide.
Special Free Bonus #7: Free Trial To The Six Pack Hackers Inner Circle (Value $197/month)
This is going to be fun!
Our Inner Circle Group will be about extreme fitness... it’ll be about getting outrageously healthy... it’ll be about getting girls... it’ll be about anything that makes your life better as an ambitious guy destined for greatness.
- Of course, there will be a Facebook group where we can connect, share experiences and do occasional deals.
But I’m also wired into experts. And you can be, too.
- Like Bedros Keuilian, one of the most successful guys in the fitness business.
- And Jason Capital, one of the most successful guys in the guy’s dating space.
- And John Romaniello, one of the most successful online fitness trainers.
- Plus there are tons of experts I could pull when it comes to 10Xing your health and lifestyle. Like Jeff over at Phalogenics, if along with a great body, you want a monster dick.
I’m great at hooking you up with information and experts that can get you where you want to go faster than anyone ever could.
- And you get a ready-made tribe you can plug yourself into.
A couple of years ago, I would have killed to be a part of a group like this.
Today, you get it 100% FREE because you’re taking action now.
So just click the button below to get started...
That’s Literally $447.00 in Value!
Plus it gets even better...
I’m also giving you 60 days to test drive everything.
Trust me, if anything falls short of your expectations, feel free to hit me up for a full refund. Just email me at supportatpetertzemis.com.
You get all this...
- Six Pack Accelerator Shake
- 7 Day Ab Shocker
- Supplement Blackbook
- Meal Plans
- Macro Calculator
- Accelerator Shake
- Six Pack Hacks
$247 in value for just...
One-Time Offer
Regularly $197
Today Only $27
[X] Yes, Peter! Add the "Six Pack Accelerator System" Plus the Free Bonuses to My Order at More Than 80% Off. I GET EVERYTHING ON THIS PAGE for just a single payment of $27!
Why am I offering you such a deal?
Three (damn good) reasons:
I want to stack the ab-cards in YOUR favor.
The only way I know to do that (other than me actually doing it for you,) is to give you my best information, strategies, plans, resources and training.
I want you to be a part of my tribe.
I sense you’d love the camaraderie and connection with guys like us all over the world.
Raw, honest results.
The Six Pack Accelerator System is an essential component to getting the rapid results you want. It's backed up by 1000's of hours or real world testing. But it's not for the faint of heart. It's the real deal.
Again, there’s no risk on your part. In the unlikely event you are dissatisfied, you have 60 days, that’s two solid months to get a full refund.
My goal? To help get you those abs you want, as fast as possible.
Imagine, just 30 days from now, sporting a new girl on your arm, and YOU... rockin’ a great set of abs.
I’ve seen it with my students, but maybe more importantly, I’ve been there myself.
I know what feels like to envy guys who’ve got it all.
I have it and I want to share my success with you.
So go ahead and click the button below and let’s get started…
[X] Yes, Peter! Add the "Six Pack Accelerator System" Plus the Free Bonuses to My Order at More Than 80% Off. I GET EVERYTHING ON THIS PAGE for just a single payment of $27!
No thanks. I'll pass. I understand that the Six Pack Accelerator System is ONLY available on this page and that once I leave this page I'll never have the opportunity to upgrade to the package again. I will pass on this forever.